Stay informed
Click any item below for more information
Public health info about coronavirus, COVID-19 & vaccination
- Public Health Ontario - When and How to Wear a Mask (see picture below!)
- COVID Alert - Canada's free notification app
- Get vaccinated in Hamilton
- COVID-19 vaccine - info for youth born in 2009 or earlier - vaccine and consent info, Q&A videos and more
- COVID-19 Vaccine clinics
- Get tested for COVID-19 in Hamilton- online appointment booking
- Government of Canada - info
- Ontario Ministry of Health - info, self-assessment tool
- City of Hamilton - protecting yourself & others
What to expect from child and youth mental health services during COVID-19
Protecting children, youth, families, staff and the community from COVID-19 is important to child and youth mental health and addictions providers.
To help with this, changes have been made to how most services are being offered. Most services are now available by telephone or virtually. Some services are beginning to open for face-to-face appointments. Other services have been reduced or closed for the time being. Crisis services continue to be available.
If you aren't sure what is happening with your services, contact your provider directly.
Stay connected
Click any item below for more information
Support for youth & families
- Instagram gallery - messages to help, heal and give hope
- Virtual drop-ins and hang-outs for young people
- Big White Wall - provincial online support program (for ages 16 years and up)
- PCMH Hamilton - peer support and information for families offered by email, text, phone and online drop-ins. For more information, email [email protected]
- Ontario Caregiver Organization - helpline, live chat, resources and more
- Skills for Psychological Recovery - free video series
- Resources for Black Healing and Support - GTA
- Mental health and COVID-19